Bulbs > Galanthus

Galanthus 2006

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mark smyth:
I was having a look around my collection today and have too many up above ground.

mark smyth:
For all those who missed it last time in 2002 or are new converts the Snowdrop book is back out again this week. It has an updated list of suppliers and a new a-z index for quick reference instead of thinking of what species it is.

£45 + £5 P&P from Griffen Press Publishing, 4 Colesbourne, Cheltenham. Glos GL53 9NP

Hi Mark

do you know if there are any new pictures?

I was looking on www.usedbooksearch.co.uk yesterday and the original was on there for £95 (I paid £80 last year for it...)


mark smyth:
I was wise when the book came out and bought two. I sold one the year after for £70. I might buy two again this year. John Grimshaw mentioned a new Galanthus G. nivalis 'Green Ibis' in the mailshot on page ? of the book but it isnt in the old book. Some excellent goodies on the sales list that goes live tomorrow including elwesii 'Deer Slot' and elwesii 'Rosemary Burnham'

Valentin Wijnen:
Past Autumn, I have been chipping some (new) Galanthus. Some are extremely succesfull and showed already (big) bulbils when I planted them up. In the following pic you see the chips of Galanthus 'Diggory', to me a good to chip one.


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