General Subjects > Flowers and Foliage Now
November 2006
Well, 900 feet up in Aberdeenshire there is not much in flower on a raw November day. However, just to get the new forum started I took a few photos – so here they are
Cyclamen coum is plant no one should be without. I got 2 plants from Ian Christie many years ago and now I have hundreds. They even grow out of the road, spread by ants I beleive, and never fail to flower their hearts out every year in late January / February no matter what the weather.
The hollies are nice right now too
Anthony Darby:
This is different :)
No doubt in a week's time this will all be familiar once again, but for the moment, feels like I'm typing with my toes!!
Cheers and good luck with the new forum.
John H
In drizzly Hampshire
Martin Baxendale:
By the look of things, we can post pics with larger file sizes than before. Can anyone tell me what the maximum file size is for uploading pics on this new system?
I just love it when familiar things change! Like when they move everything around in the supermarket! I expect we'll get used to it and find it's better in the long run. I just popped back into the old forum for a minute, and it feels nice and comfy in there.
mark smyth:
hellooo, hellooo, it's good to be back! it's good to be back!, hellooo ....
Just realised my nearly 3000 pots are now a big fat 0
Martin I'm sure your answer will come soon enough. I dont even know how to add images
and we can can kind of tell when lurkers are about. Admin's images have been viewed alot
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