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Roscoea 2024

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Herman Mylemans:

--- Quote from: Véronique Macrelle on August 02, 2024, 09:06:48 AM ---is R. purpurea the most vigorous species?
 my March seedlings are already 20 cm high! but they started slowly...

on the other hand, a species whose label I've lost (but fortunately you'll be there when it flowers ;D) sown last year is still only 7 cm high.

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Véronique, in our garden R. purpurea is indeed the most vigorous specie.


Do you grow any other hardy members of Zingiiberaceae?

Herman Mylemans:

--- Quote from: MarcR on August 10, 2024, 12:17:57 AM ---Herman.

Do you grow any other hardy members of Zingiiberaceae?

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Marc, I have also Cautleya gracilis.


VERY NICE!  I'm growing 18 species in 4 genera; but they are all seedlings planted  from last year's and the previous year's exchanges. 

Herman Mylemans:
Roscoea purpurea

Roscoea purpurea 'Alba'


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