Bulbs > Galanthus
Galanthus February 24
Always my first yellow snowdrop to flower is ´Golden Fleece´ - a variety which clumps exceedingly well for me.
Another one which clumps well in my garden is G. elwesii ´Green Eyes´ - most G. elwesii do not like to increase here.
Snowdrops start to take the garden over - an unnamed hybrid in the front, left behind ´Colossus´ and a somewhat more colossal seedling to the right.
Close-up - the marks are not my cup of tea, but the size kept me from discarding it.
Stefan B.:
Good to have snowdrops in bloom at this time Mariette, in my garden 'Colossus' will bloom in two weeks at the earliest.
I was surprised by the early flowering of the Galanhus gracilis I bought last autumn, strangely…
Galanhus gracilis
Stefan B.:
I think it turned out to be a nice picture and I decided to show it to you.
Galanthus nivalis ´Lady Putman´
Lady Putman and Golden Fleece are impressive, pity that I cant secure the real thing.
Indeed, a nice picture of dainty ´Lady Putman´, Stefan!
Jeff, ´Golden Fleece´ doesn´t set seed well, and I have still to test whether it´s viable. Really sorry You can´t get it over there!
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