Memorable Topics – Threads and posts that are just too good to lose > Plant Information and Portraits

My Favorite Plant


My favorite plant, depicted in my avitar, is Tibouchina urvelliana.

Unfortunately, for me, it is not hardy in zone 8b; but its close relative, Tibouchina grandiflora grows nicely.  I still grow Tibouchina urvelliana as an indoor/outdoor plant. Due to physical limitations, I find it very difficult to take photographs. It stays outside all year and only comes inside when temperatures drop below 25F; which only happens 10 or 15 days most Winters.

Maggi Young:
I'm at a loss to choose a favourite flower - I'll give it some thought- but I tend to the "one that opened its flower today is the best" school of thought!! ::) :P :-[

 Fickle ? Me? Well, maybe!!  ::)


I truly appreciate your devoting so much time and thought to my posts!


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