Specific Families and Genera > Saxifraga

Seeking Saxifraga strigosa


Maggi Young:
In the  dim and  distant  past -we're  talking the  1960s here - ( when those  of  who were  alive  at the  time  were  a  lot  younger  than we  are  now!) Jack Drake's  nursery  at Inshriach sold  Saxifraga strigosa.  It seems  that the  plant  is not now  stocked  anywhere.   A chap who bought  the  plant  back then, has  now  moved  house and  is  planning  a  new  garden - he  would  very  much like  to grow  once  more the  plants which he  remembers  so fondly  from  his  garden  as  a  boy.
 He  wonders  if  anyone  here  may  still be  growing the  plant- Can anyone  help him to source  a  plant or  seed of  Saxifraga  strigosa ?

Hope  we  can  find  him some  help!

For those  unfamiliar  with  the  plant- this  screengrab  of  it is  from the  website  of   Cédric :



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