Specific Families and Genera > Saxifraga
Rex Murfitt has died
Maggi Young:
From Frances Howey : " Rex Murfitt, who specialized in Saxifrages in troughs and, co-authored with Joyce Fingerut a fine book "Creating and Planting Garden Troughs, died on August 17 at the age of 91 in Prince George, B.C. I was fortunate to be one of many visitors to his garden in Victoria, B.C. and to meet him again at the NARGS Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh a few years ago. He will be missed."
Rex will be sadly missed. While well-known for his interest in Saxifraga, Rex wrote about Zauschnerias in the October 2010 issue of the International Rock Gardener e-magazine http://www.srgc.org.uk/logs/logdir/2010Nov271290899267October_IRG10_.pdf
Rex Murfitt and Paul Ingerwsen - photo by Adrian Young
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