Specific Families and Genera > Saxifraga

Saxifraga georgei and Sax. poluniniana



A couple of pictures for Otto further to our phone conversation today, Saxifraga georgei and Sax. poluniniana are not extinct in Australia! Not yet and hopefully not any time soon. I am doing my best to keep them going and this summer has been VERY challenging. I feel the worst is behind us now though...

Hello Jamus

Your saxifraga looks very good.  I am happy for you that you can keep them alive under the hot conditions.  Keep up the good work.😎

Saxifraga Time starts in garden and Alpine house:
Self sown seedlings of Sax. stribrnyi on moss covered tufa
Sax. burseriana wild collected form
Sax. 'Jenkinsiae', an old hybrid
Sax. x columpoda, a natural hybrid from the Caucasus
Sax. 'Golem', a newer Czech hybrid


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