Specific Families and Genera > Saxifraga

Saxifraga Spotty Coty

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Anyone got a picture of the flowers of this silver sax. which they could post?

Maggi Young:
Bart Moerland has one of 'Spotty Cotty' on his website: https://www.alpigena.com/silver-catalogue/silver-saxifrages-5/

Thanks. Mine is not it, as the flowers are definitely all white.

I think I’ve got this one, but it has not flowered this year...  it’s in recovery having been swamped by a vigorous pulsatilla.  The latter was removed last year.  Next time it flowers I’ll take a photo, but it definitely had red spots on each sepal....

So is this Spotty Cotty?

And any idea as to this one which I had labelled as Spotty.


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