General Subjects > Flowers and Foliage Now

January 2007 Downunder

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fermi de Sousa:
We only had about 10mm of rain over the last week but it was enough to start the "Rainlilies" off again! The best flowering yet on Habranthus tubispathus (syn andersonii, syn texanus) and forma Roseus...and I can't show you as the software for downloading pics isn't working! Nevermind here's a pic of H. t. Roseus from a good flowering last March!
in hot and dry central Victoria, rain expected on the weekend

mark smyth:
very nice, like a nest full of chicks

fermi de Sousa:
I got home yesterday to find a few more flowers out including some on a seedling of Habranthus "Russell Manning" which is an H. robustus hybrid. This second generation hybrid appears to me to be closer to H. robustus and one stem actually had two blooms! Unfortunately I still can't download pics but here's one I prepared earlier! March 2006 to be precise.
When I dead-headed the H. tubispathus I got 2 dozen from H. t. "Roseus" and 3 dozen from the type! I only dead-head these because they already come up elsewhere in the Rock garden from uncollected seedpods a few years ago! If anyone is desperate for seed please e-mail me privately and I'll spare a few heads the chop!
who'll be away from the computer till Tuesday!

Lesley Cox:
Everything here looking a bit sad for the moment. But a few things have been performing well as always. Below, Helianthemum tuberaria, unlike the usual run of rock roses, and haplopappus coronopifolius, a South American daisy.

This lovely bulb is Calochortus palmeri, a delicious colour but the flower sits on top of a very skinny stem, almost 40cms high and otherwise, no substance to it at all.

fermi de Sousa:
Good news! The download problem is solved and I have a few more pics to share!
Firstly the rain-lilies (Habranthus tubispathus)which bloomed heavily awhile back.
The second is the seedling of H."Russel Manning" with the double-header!


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