Specific Families and Genera > Saxifraga

Saxifraga 2017

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And some more
Tysoe Splendour
Albert Einstein
Judith Shackleton

Maggi Young:
"Every cloud" though, Sue - the show benches' loss is our gain as you have time to photograph these little gems to share with us now!

David Nicholson:
Very nice indeed.

Chris Johnson:
Saxifraga 'Allendale Comet'

Luc Gilgemyn:
My tufa pan, baptised Luckerhorn by a friend  8) has lots of Saxifrages on the shady side.  They're coming to life despite the heavy rain of the last few days.

Saxifraga burseriana major is doing exceptionally very this year in the rock garden.

Saxifraga 'Verona' with its huge flowers.


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