General Subjects > Flowers and Foliage Now
November Downunder
fermi de Sousa:
If you make it, they will come......
So, here's the re-starting of the Downunder topic!
This is a western Australian native shrug which is dwarf enough in our conditions to keep in the rock garden without even pruning it (though it probably would look better if it was pruned!).
Redesdale, Victoria, Australia
Maggi Young:
Hi, Fermi, great to have you back with us, especially since our weather is getting more miserable!
fermi de Sousa:
Thanks, Maggi.
November in Victoria has turned quite bizarre! We had a blast of cold air from Antarctica which brought snow to parts of the state on Wednesday! Unfortunately not a lot of rain to these parts. We should be back into 30C temps by the same time next week!
Redesdale, Victoria, Australia
Lesley Cox:
So, another blunder I think. I posted 5 mins ago here but it hasn't appeared, though there's a message sayingWarning - while you were reading a new reply ....... so maybe that's mine. I need to see it because I don't know if the pics are there. There was a note somewhere else about being able to see one's post after posting it. Can't find that either, but I have found the New Topic button. I was looking in the wrong place.
Lesley Cox:
So there's the pic I posted (one of two, the other the same but with 284KBs) but where's the text that went with it?
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