General Subjects > Flowers and Foliage Now
Flowering Now - out of season
mark smyth:
Today is the first day I have got into the garden for about two weeks. Quite a few plants are flowering out of season buy a month or several months. These include
Cyclamen coum - normally February for me
Daphne Bholua 'J. Postill' - normally February
Lonicera pupusii - normally February
Pulsatilla vulgaris - never been without a flower this year
Primula veris
Geranium 'Rozanne' has to be cut back again to make way for snowdrops. Last time was September for Colchicums
Do you have much showing now ahead of time?
mark smyth:
This isnt flowering out of season but somehow flowering again.
Colchicum autumnale 'Alboplenum'. As ever my Ranunuculus ficaria collection are in full leaf now with some in flower. The plant shown is one of my own finds and so far un-named. The third Ranunculus is, I think, 'South Downs'
mark smyth:
here is my Daphne 'Jacqueline Postill' ready to burst open, Cyclamen coum, a better shot of Lonicera x purpusii and an annual Chrysanthemum still going strong. This Chrysanthem should have gone to seed a long time ago
mark smyth:
Is this a late or early Hepatica flower? Took the photo just now
Luc Gilgemyn:
I don't know what you give them Mark but mine are still in bud just above ground - so more patience is required.
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