Specific Families and Genera > Saxifraga

Saxifraga 2014

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Flowering of Saxifrages starts quite early in my garden
the pictures are from today


--- Quote from: ruweiss on February 23, 2014, 09:03:41 PM ---Flowering of Saxifrages starts quite early in my garden
the pictures are from today

--- End quote ---

Beautiful Rudi ! Here they also starting . This S. 'Cumulus ' looks very promising .
Also first flowers on Saxifraga 'Sissi ' ? (lost my label ) and on Saxifraga 'Verona '

David Nicholson:
Nice start to the season.

Saxifraga climbs a few positions in my top every time I see new pictures...

Luc Gilgemyn:
A couple from me :

Clockwise starting from top left : Sax. 'Coolock Kate' 'Mary Golds' and 'Lana' 

I love S. 'J.W. Goethe' in bud !


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