Seedy Subjects! > Seed Exchange

SRGC Seed Exchange 2024-2025

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Maggi Young:

Please note, all details may be found here on the main SRGC Website:

Thx :-)

Richard Green:
The SRGC Seed List is now available for browsing online in advance of ordering opening on 1 December.
The list can be downloaded as a pdf, or an Excel file.
Ordering online opens on 1 December.
This year's seed donors do NOT have no hurry to put in their orders because Donors' orders are picked on the basis of their donation history NOT on the basis of the date and time of their order.
Non-donors' orders ARE picked in order of receipt in due course.

Richard Green:
The 2024/25 SRGC Seed Exchange will be open for ordering ordering in just over 12 hours at 00.01hrs GMT on 1 December.
The seed list can already be downloaded as a pdf, or an Excel file for you to pick your seed numbers in advance.
Orders from this year's Donors.  Donors do NOT have any hurry to put in their orders because Donors' orders are picked on the basis of their donation history NOT on the basis of the date and time of their order. Orders from donors of the most seed for the most years are picked first.
Orders from Non-donors. These ARE picked in order of receipt in due course.

fermi de Sousa:
Just put in my order!
I noticed that a few seeds were listed as "banned in Australia" which are on our current "Allowed List".
Please don't remove them from my order if I'm lucky enough to get them! I double checked BICON - for example most Iris seed was listed as banned but they are there on the allowed list. Perhaps someone was looking at the wrong list when they added them.
BTW I like that you have gone to the trouble of adding "banned in Aus or NZ" to the actual seedlist.
Please let me know if this will affect my order,


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