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Author Topic: Free Opuntia versicolour  (Read 2042 times)

Jack Meatcher

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Free Opuntia versicolour
« on: November 08, 2015, 06:07:05 AM »
In about 1970, my late mother-in-law bought me an Opuntia versicolour. While it survives, it has never flowered. I was intrigued by this plant as a child in the 1950s - it was an illustration in my Observer's Book of Cacti and seemed to have different coloured flowers on the same plant.
I have 2 pots of it and would like to give them to one or more cacti enthusiasts who might be able to get them to flower. I live near Junction 10 of the M4.
In the first instance, contact me by Email: jack.meatcher@btinternet.com
The Learner


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