Bulbs > Ian Young's Bulb Log - Feedback Forum
Bulb Log 34 and 46
Joakim B:
Dear Ian
Thanks for sharing with us Your pictures they are very informative.
I hope I may ask a question on "old Bulb logs"
It may be to all here rather than to only You.
I am interested in the way You are getting new bulbs/ storage roots of dactylorhiza.
Does this harm the flowering of the plant the coming year?
No, the first new tuber is not affected in any way and it will flower next year and so might other small tubers taken off before replanting to encourage extra growth have little flowers
Does the "gained" root also bloom the next year or does it take a long time?
The gained tuber usually has a small flower the next year if not it will the second year, like any verysmall tuber, but mostly they all make a flower, even if a small one
Is this technique valid for all dactylorhizas or just a few?
It seems to work with most Dactylorhizas
What dactylorhiza did You do the "operation" on?
The one shown in the bulb log photos is D. foliosa type.
Is this a common procedure or is this a new thing?
I don't know how common this is. we have done it for some years now.
I am also interested if more people are doing it an if they also are successfull?
Some are using this method, also... no doubt if they read this they will give us their experience
Does the dact. get extra much fertilizer to grow better or is there any trick needed?
No, not extra food, just back into good well draining soil in pot or ground
Sorry for the many questions and maybe I shoud have looked through all bulb logs before answering but that will take a while and I
would like to go through them in a nice pace to enjoy them rather then to hurry through just to try to find the answer that might not be there.Joakim, you are most welcome!
Kind regards
Joakim Balogh
Lund Sweden/Coimbra Portugal
mark smyth:
I tried it this year and it worked. The second tubers varied in size and may not flower nest year. I tried it on three different Dacts. elatis x majalis, Harold Esselmont and ?
Maggi Young:
Hi, Joakim, Ian is away in England at the moment but I have answered your questions quickly by making replies in red on your post. hope this helps!
Joakim B:
Thanks Maggi and Mark
I hope to hear others talk about there tries (partly to see what people grow and with what sucess) with this to see if there is any perticular dos and donts to have in mind or if sorts or size of the old tuber/plant is important. For example is it applicable on orchis aswell?
Thanks again and hope to read more about the orchids.
Kind regards
Susan Band:
I have done it for years, in addition I soak the tubers in fungacide before I plant them back. Make sure you keep planting them in different areas of the garden to avoid black death :'(
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