Specific Families and Genera > Cacti and Succulents


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Maggi Young:
Extraordinary pictures, Rudi.... it is beautiful .... but I think I can almost smell it from here  :P

Peter II:
Hi ruweiss,

beautiful plant. The flies love these flowers. Since they have plenty of room for the eggs.

Asclepiads seem to explode due to the hot summer - Stapelia hirsuta
is a magnet to the flies who lay their eggs into the flowers.

These days I took pictures of three Stapelias at a local cactus and succulent nursery:

Stapelia ambigua with huge flowers (my hand is holding the flower up).
Stapelia baylissii
Stapelia vetula

Peter, congratulations, you've amazing plants :o :o :o Do you still are interested in an exchange? ;)


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