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Author Topic: Artistic section at AGS shows  (Read 2599 times)

Tim Ingram

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Re: Artistic section at AGS shows
« Reply #15 on: March 17, 2013, 11:36:29 AM »
Another approach, and I don't know if it has ever been considered, is to display artwork that is for sale. This is a big departure but many AGS members who paint and embroider probably also belong to artistic Societies with the same high standards. The Shows could then be advertised with this as a feature of the day as well as plant sales. Done this way individuals themselves could supply display boards and they might be used at meetings and other events too. I think a lot of the difficulty is the way the Shows are perceived - are they essentially for members, or could they be developed more to attract a greater number of guests, and if so how can we go about doing this? I still think debate across the AGS is important because it throws up new ideas and novelty.
Dr. Timothy John Ingram. Nurseryman & gardener with strong interest in plants of Mediterranean-type climates and dryland alpines. Garden in Kent, UK. www.coptonash.plus.com


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