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Author Topic: Dryad Nursery Ebay offerings Summer 2020  (Read 3292 times)


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Dryad Nursery Ebay offerings Summer 2020
« on: July 20, 2020, 06:18:05 PM »
I realise that many were disappointed not to get some of our ‘specials’, which are always in
very short supply, from our summer list.
Fortunately, we anticipated this and squirrelled some extra bulbs away to
offer on ebay, for those who aren’t quick enough on the mouse to catch the ones in the list.
There are also some extra varieties of ultra-specials , of which we only had very few, including
some which are new this year, so have never been offered before.

The first of these will be listed on Wednesday 22 JULY, and will be followed by the rest in
quick succession, so, where possible, they can be sent in with the main list orders.
Here is a taster of some of the very special bulbs which will be ONLY on ebay.

As normal, I will try to offer as many multi-nosed bulbs as possible. I will offer these first,
to ensure you get rapid clumps of these beauties as soon as possible.

DERYN – new from Dryad Nursery – a beautiful cyclamineus hybrid growing to only 12-14cm
high, with a long, clear lemon frilled corona and overlapping, reflexed white perianth. Has
been a favourite here and promises to be a great exhibition variety, both as a cut flower and
a potted group.

MICA – new from Dryad Nursery – Stunning 2 W-W growing to about 18cm high under glass.
The flowers open with a pale lemon corona and white perianth, then mature to all white.
The corona is gently flared, and the perianth segments have a good overlap. Destined to
become a favourite with exhibitors.

FANTINE - From Brian Duncan – So rare even I don’t have one!
Multi award-winning miniature cyclamineus hybrid. Supremely elegant elongated flowers
with white, fully reflexed perianth, and long, pale primrose yellow corona with a delicately
flared mouth.
At the London Royal Horticultural Society show in 2018 it was awarded a ‘Grand Slam’ of the
prestigious ‘Best Miniature’, ‘Best Any Other Division’ and ‘Reserve Best in Show’.

NARCISSUS PET LAMB A very important and historic variety, it was awarded the Triple
honour of the Ralph B. White Memorial Medal for innovation, Best Miniature and Best
Seedling at the RHS early show in 2007.
Offered is one of probably only a dozen or so bulbs in existence.
Pet Lamb is an extremely tiny white trumpet daffodil, flowering at only 5cm high. The
creamy white trumpet flowers are less than 2cm in diameter, with a slightly swept-forward
perianth, stained bright lime green on the tube. The corona is neatly flanged and frilled at
the mouth.
This is the only the second opportunity to own this amazing little daffodil, and it is unlikely
to be offered in any quantity in the future.

LITTLE TREPID - new from Brian Duncan - A charming little Division 2 in soft yellow. A
welcome addition to this division which is under-represented in miniatures.
MINIONS! I need more minions!
Anne Wright, Dryad Nursery, Yorkshire, England



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Re: Dryad Nursery Ebay offerings Summer 2020
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2020, 08:04:31 PM »
Our summer ebay listings are about to begin!
For openers, we have a varied selection of our exclusive true miniature daffodils for those of you who missed them in our main list.

The cyclamineus daffodils are justifiably popular, and we are offering a white (‘Flurry’) a bicolour maturing to white (‘Angel’s Flight’), the acid lemon ‘Lemon Breeze’, and deep gold ‘Minionette’.
Along with these come ‘Giselle’, a x susannae type with pristine white flowers, and the glorious ‘Tethys’, which will give a long-lasting display of scented hoop-petticoat flowers in January under cold glass.

Not one of our breeding, but a classic in great demand but very little supply – ‘Cedric Morris’ which famously flowers at Christmas in a good year. Daffodils on the Christmas table, anyone?

These are accompanied by two other rare spring beauties:
Firstly, the amazing Anemone nemorosa ‘Explosion’ (so-called because it is a ‘child of Chernobyl’, a mutation that appeared after the nuclear accident).
Secondly, the striking Crocus heuffelianus ‘Snow Princess’ with its distinctive painterly splash of deep purple over white, and the contrasting orange glow of the stigma at its centre.

Where possible we offer multi-nosed bulbs to give you a good start on a clump.
You can find them all here:

These listings end on Saturday - good luck!
MINIONS! I need more minions!
Anne Wright, Dryad Nursery, Yorkshire, England



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Re: Dryad Nursery Ebay offerings Summer 2020
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2020, 10:56:39 AM »
Our first offerings for summer finish tonight!
There is a choice of six of our signature true miniatures, from the sparkling white of ‘Giselle’, to the deep gold of Minionette (note the spelling - named after the little yellow minions in ‘Despicable Me’).
The sought-after classic ‘Cedric Morris’ also makes a rare appearance, along with the fascinating Anemone nemorosa ‘Explosion’ and another rare treasure -Crocus heuffelianus ‘Snow Princess’.
You can find them all here:

Good luck!
MINIONS! I need more minions!
Anne Wright, Dryad Nursery, Yorkshire, England



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Re: Dryad Nursery Ebay offerings Summer 2020
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2020, 09:42:41 AM »
Our current EBAY listings finish tonight (Wednesday)!
This is your LAST chance this year to obtain Narcissus Andy Blanchard, Fringella and Little Racer as I only have one of each of these varieties to offer.
Narcissus ANDY BLANCHARD is instantly recognisable – perfect for exhibition, or a highlight for a container or rock garden.
Narcissus FRINGELLA group are wonderful little classic golden daffodils with a characterful wide fringe around the trumpet, tiny but tough.
Narcissus LITTLE RACER really does look as if it is at full pelt with its perianth streaming away in the wind – rarely offered.
Narcissus FANTINE is one of Brian Duncan’s aristocrats, multi-award winning and coveted whenever it appears. Although we have one more bulb to offer this summer (spoiler alert!), this is the only double-nosed bulb of the two.
Our own favourite - Narcissus LITTLE DRYAD – perfectly proportioned, exquisite ivory flowers – a true miniature gem.
Narcissus LUDO is for lovers of tiny white trumpets, a rare 1 W-W for exhibitors.
Narcissus SLEEK is an established favourite with customers and exhibitors, catching the judges’ eyes either as a cut flower or potted group.
Narcissus WEE NOD is the last, but by no means least, of our cyclamineus daffodils this session - its elegant, slender flowers just radiating class.
Narcissus CEDRIC MORRIS, the sought after ‘Christmas-flowering’ daffodil, is the last of our narcissus for tonight.

Anemone ranunculoides GOLDEN DREAM is the LAST of our special wood anemones to be offered this year, a jewel of gold and emerald.
Finally, a rare chance to obtain the watercolour-washed Crocus veluchensis x cvijicii Rainbow Gold, sought after by alpine growers and exhibitors.

You will find them here:

Good Luck!
MINIONS! I need more minions!
Anne Wright, Dryad Nursery, Yorkshire, England



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Re: Dryad Nursery Ebay offerings Summer 2020
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2020, 09:46:36 AM »
The final images of our current listings - finishing tonight Wednesday 29 July
« Last Edit: July 29, 2020, 09:48:18 AM by annew »
MINIONS! I need more minions!
Anne Wright, Dryad Nursery, Yorkshire, England



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Re: Dryad Nursery Ebay offerings Summer 2020
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2020, 08:57:00 PM »
In our ebay listings starting tonight, we are delighted to introduce our new baby - Narcissus DERYN in her first appearance. Deryn is Welsh for ‘bird’, and a group of this special little daffodil in flower looks like a flight of tiny birds coming in for a landing. On opening, the long, clear lemon trumpet contrasts beautifully with the swept-back, pure white perianth, while as the flower matures the colours become softer.
Flowering at only 12cm/5” under glass, it makes a wonderful container subject, but should be hardy outside. The flowers are of excellent show form, ideal for exhibitors of cut blooms as well as being graceful enough for alpine enthusiasts. A favourite here in the nursery. Double-nosed bulbs offered.

There are few truly miniature white Division 1 daffodils, and we are offering two of the best tonight:
Narcissus FLURRY is our own delicate little soft white trumpet growing to only 15cm/6” with a long, graceful corona and slightly reflexed corona.
Narcissus LUDO comes from the Duncan stable and is a perfect little white trumpet daffodil growing to only 8 cm high, its corona widely flared and frilled – LAST ONE.

Narcissus GALANTOQUILLA group are exciting little hybrids from Brian, bred from N.lagoi x assoanus, which he calls his ‘snowdrop daffodils’ because they are similar in size, shape and flowering time to snowdrops. A perfect variety to take you from snowdrops to daffodils. As a group, they are all about 20cm high, with a conspicuous green spathe which remains green as the flower matures. They are very hardy and will flower through the snow, just like your snowdrops.

Narcissus GISELLE makes its LAST appearance this session. This stunning pristine white hybrid resembles its ballet dancer namesake with the widely flaring corona, and has won many prizes, much coveted wherever it is shown.

Narcissus LITTLE JEN At last a daffodil my daughter liked enough to bear her name! Little Jen is a dainty x rupidulus  (N. triandrus x rupicola) daffodil with 1-3 pale, acid-lemon flowers on 15cm stems. A real charmer much admired at shows and at our daffodil days.

Narcissus MINIONETTE (note the spelling - named after the little yellow minions in ‘Despicable Me’) is our cute little deep gold cyclamineus hybrid, a potful of which was awarded the Royal bank of Scotland trophy for best bulbous plant at the AGS Loughborough Show this year. Flowering at 12cm high, the perianth sweeping back from the cheeky short corona, which is flicked out at its end. – LAST ONE.

Narcissus TETHYS displays its sumptuous scented hoop-petticoats very early in the year – a delight under glass in January where its silky flowers, gently rolled at the mouth, can be best appreciated.

Finally, for the Croconuts amongst you, our last Crocus veluchensis x cvijicii Rainbow Gold  – the golden yellow of cvijicii is overlaid with the purple of veluchensis to give an unusual shot bronze flower.
MINIONS! I need more minions!
Anne Wright, Dryad Nursery, Yorkshire, England



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Re: Dryad Nursery Ebay offerings Summer 2020
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2020, 09:05:55 PM »
In our penultimate session, we are proud to introduce our second new variety for 2020 – the serene Narcissus MICA. This little lady is a rare example of a white Division 2 miniature (2W-W), and as such is destined to be very popular with exhibitors since the flower is of excellent show form. She is not just for those exalted circles though! Growing to only 15cm under glass, and with an upright growth habit, Mica makes a superb specimen for containers, troughs and rock gardens. Upon first opening, the flower is an ethereal bicolour with a white perianth and palest lemon corona, but this soon matures to all white. Named after the silvery mineral, Mica is sure to light up your collection. This is the first of only 2 bulbs available this year.

To keep Mica company is an aristocratic supporting cast: our cyclamineus daffodils for this session are Brian Duncan’s quartet of ANGEL’S FLIGHT, WEE NOD, LITTLE RACER and SLEEK, along with our own favourite LITTLE DRYAD. Each of these brings its own character and bearing - Angel’s Flight’s streamlined elegance, Wee Nod’s shy poise, Little Racer’s neck-and-neck dash, Sleek’s slicked-back flourish, and Little Dryad’s quiet grace.

For lovers of the classical trumpet daffodil, Brian’s STARLIT is a perfect example with a prettily frilled long corona and spreading perianth, complementing our own FLURRY with a slightly more informal bearing and barely reflexing perianth.

Last, but not least – our last bulb of LITTLE JEN. Named for my daughter, Little Jen is a star at shows and a favourite with visitors with two or three coolest lemon short cupped flowers per stem, and only 15cm high under glass.

You will find them here:

Good Luck!
MINIONS! I need more minions!
Anne Wright, Dryad Nursery, Yorkshire, England



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Re: Dryad Nursery Ebay offerings Summer 2020
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2020, 09:08:13 PM »
We were unable to list any snowdrops this summer, so to make up for this we have something a little different for the galanthophiles out there.
We had just a few copies printed of a book of my portraits of snowdrops grown here at Dryad Nursery. These are A4 format, and have 100 pages of photographs including all our own introductions with sections on the Dryad Golds, Dryad Myths and Legends ipocs, Estonian Spirit group and Estonian Bird doubles, plus some of our snowdrops still in development!
There follows a compilation of non-Dryad snowdrop flowers in an alphabetical order, and lastly a short description of how to have a go at making hybrids of your own.
I am offering two of these on ebay along with our daffodils, with all the proceeds going to the charity Médecins sans Frontières, whose fantastically brave doctors and nurses are fighting to help people affected by Covid-19 on top of conflict and other diseases.
I hope you will bid to support this great cause.
MINIONS! I need more minions!
Anne Wright, Dryad Nursery, Yorkshire, England



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Re: Dryad Nursery Ebay offerings Summer 2020
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2020, 09:39:29 AM »
Finishing tonight – a great selection of different exclusive true miniatures for your collection, including the first offering of our NEW variety, Narcissus Mica, whose white, short-cupped flowers are perfect for exhibition.
Also on offer, no less than five of our customer favourite cyclamineus hybrids, each with their own personality so you can choose your favourite. If a classic trumpet shape is more your style, we have Starlit and Flurry, each distinctive in their own way. Finally - and I don’t know why I always mention her last as she is a family favourite – the ice cool Little Jen, my daughter’s personal favourite, and after whom it is named.
This is your last chance to obtain most of these for your collection, as we have only ONE more listing session to go, starting this weekend.

As usual, you can find them here:

Good Luck!
MINIONS! I need more minions!
Anne Wright, Dryad Nursery, Yorkshire, England



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Re: Dryad Nursery Ebay offerings Summer 2020
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2020, 09:40:25 AM »
Also finishing tonight, the first of only two copies of our photobook to be offered this summer, and NOT AVAILABLE FOR SALE anywhere else, detailing our Dryad speciality snowdrops, along with a comprehensive selection of other named cultivars. These two books are on auction with the proceeds going to support the charity Médecins sans Frontières, whose wonderful volunteer doctors and nurses put their lives on the line to help people in areas of great need, including war zones. Please bid to help this great cause. Thank you.
 Find it here:
MINIONS! I need more minions!
Anne Wright, Dryad Nursery, Yorkshire, England


Maggi Young

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Re: Dryad Nursery Ebay offerings Summer 2020
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2020, 01:46:43 PM »
'Little  Jen' is  so sweet!  Mind  you, you're  no  known for  raising  duffers, Anne!!
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!

Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine


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Re: Dryad Nursery Ebay offerings Summer 2020
« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2020, 08:39:39 PM »
Not as sweet as the real thing, Maggi!
MINIONS! I need more minions!
Anne Wright, Dryad Nursery, Yorkshire, England



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Re: Dryad Nursery Ebay offerings Summer 2020
« Reply #12 on: August 08, 2020, 08:42:07 PM »
In our final listings for this summer, the star of the show has got to be Narcissus PET LAMB.
A very important and historic variety, Pet Lamb was awarded the triple honour of the Ralph B. White Memorial Medal for innovation, Best Miniature and Best Seedling at the RHS early show in 2007.
Pet Lamb is an extremely small white trumpet daffodil, flowering at only 5cm high. The creamy white trumpet flowers are less than 2cm in diameter, with a slightly swept-forward perianth, stained bright lime green on the tube. The corona is neatly flanged and frilled at the mouth.
This is only the second bulb ever to be offered of this diminutive charmer, and it is unlikely to be offered in any quantity in the future. There are probably only a dozen or so bulbs in existence and we are offering a DOUBLE-NOSED BULB. By next year, the winning bidder will have something like 10% of the world stock of this amazing little gem.

To add to the excitement, we have two new introductions to keep Pet Lamb company. From Brian Duncan, the first offering of his Narcissus LITTLE TREPID. Bred from N.asturiensis x watieri, it is a winsome little Division 2 daffodil in soft yellow which is a welcome addition to this division which is under-represented in miniatures, and as such will prove popular with exhibitors.

From here at Dryad Nursery, Narcissus SNIPELET, as its name suggests, resembles a smaller and more delicate ‘Snipe’, which has long been a favourite with exhibitors of cut blooms as well as alpine enthusiasts. Snipelet, flowering at only 15cm or so, will be a more compact choice for containers, and perfect for rock gardens or raised beds. The flowers are in perfect proportion to the stem, with a starry white perianth and lemon-yellow corona. For exhibition purposes, it just falls into Division 2.

This session also sees your final opportunity to add some of our finest true miniatures to your collection:
Narcissus FANTINE is Brian Duncan’s multi award-winning miniature cyclamineus hybrid, with supremely elegant, elongated flowers with white, fully reflexed perianth, and long, pale primrose yellow, delicately flared corona. This is only the third bulb ever to be offered.
Dryad’s own DERYN and MICA are two of our best introductions, both new for 2020 and both destined for great things as exhibition flowers, but they also make superb displays in containers where their perfect proportions and enchanting flowers can be seen in close-up. Only two of each have been released this year to allow for propagation of the stock.

Our final offerings of Narcissus SLEEK, WEE NOD and LITTLE DRYAD make up a very noble supporting cast – all or any of these would be a great asset for any collection, with their own unique personalities.
Finally, some those of you who like a little bit of history in your garden, a last bulb of the fabled Christmas-flowering daffodil Narcissus CEDRIC MORRIS, always in short supply and great demand.

As usual, find them here:

Good Luck!

 Finishing 11th August
« Last Edit: August 09, 2020, 05:35:14 PM by Maggi Young »
MINIONS! I need more minions!
Anne Wright, Dryad Nursery, Yorkshire, England



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Re: Dryad Nursery Ebay offerings Summer 2020
« Reply #13 on: August 08, 2020, 08:43:37 PM »
Also finishing tonight, the last of only two copies of our photobook to be offered this summer, and NOT AVAILABLE FOR SALE anywhere else, detailing our Dryad speciality snowdrops, along with a comprehensive selection of other named cultivars. These two books are on auction with the proceeds going to support the charity Médecins sans Frontières, whose wonderful volunteer doctors and nurses put their lives on the line to help people in areas of great need, including war zones. Please bid to help this great cause. Thank you. Find it here:
MINIONS! I need more minions!
Anne Wright, Dryad Nursery, Yorkshire, England


Maggi Young

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Re: Dryad Nursery Ebay offerings Summer 2020
« Reply #14 on: August 09, 2020, 01:40:18 PM »
Not as sweet as the real thing, Maggi!
I expect  not, Anne!

 A question about  the  book -  I've  only  seen one  listed  but  you  mention two being  for  sale - and  your  post  from 8th August  suggests  that one  was the  second - am I missing  something, is there  another  for  sale?
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!

Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine


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