General Subjects > Flowers and Foliage Now
July 2024 in the northern hemisphere
Véronique Macrelle:
Bomerea edulis has been flowering since April.
I've sown it 3 times. It germinates, then grows quite quickly. But I had to work out how to get it through the winter and and in the end I think it is important not to separate the seedlings or disturb the roots (I've also tried Lapageria 3 times, but it never germinated).
finally, the 3rd time for Bomarea it succeeded (for the moment in pots, wintered out-of-freeze in the garage).
This plant is in its 3rd year. It started growing early in the season in February/March, when I installed it in front of a bay window in the living room. It started flowering in April!
i know it can be hardy, so i'm waiting until i have enough to test it in the ground.
by fertilising with a brush, i've managed to get 2 cm wide pods: they're already 2 months old and still green.
The flowers first produce anthers (blue-green stamens), then at the end of flowering when the stamens have dried out, finally a pistil. On each inflorescence, 2 or 3 flowers always seem to be delayed, but it's not easy to have the 2 stages synchronised and this almost never happens on the same inflorescence.
Maggi Young:
I've not seen the fruits of Bomarea edulis - they are a super shape! Good luck with viable seed , Véronique .
June was first hot and dry here, then at the end we got some rains, and weather is pleasant +18 - 20C.
Martagon lilies are flowering now, and some of the seedlings sown in 2017 are flowering for the first time.
L.martagon var album
'Early Bird'
Couple of dark ones.
'Congo Capers'
'Russian Morning'
A view from the garden, and dark lilies in the front are 'Congo Capers'.
Beautiful martagons Leena.
Your L. canadense recently flowered here for the first time.
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