General Subjects > Flowers and Foliage Now
June 2024 in the Southern Hemisphere
fermi de Sousa:
it's definitely winter here in Central Victoria. We've had our first frosts and the garden is starting to slow down in parts but other parts are bursting into life as they receive rain and still a bit of warmth.
Yesterday I found the first signs of growth on Leucojum aestivalis 'Gravetye Giant'
fermi de Sousa:
Nerine flexuosa (syn N. undulata) is doing well this year because we haven't had any hard frosts yet.
The last pic is of some planted under a semi-deciduous crataegus to provide some frost protection.
fermi de Sousa:
A few more winter blooms:
1) Pelargonium reniforme (I think).
2) Some of the first flowers of Cerinthe purpurascens 'Major'
3, 4) A grevillea which came up from seed of a nearby Grevillea lanigera probably crossed with G. rosmarinifolia. It's a bit big for the rock garden but gets trimmed down when I remember to do it (not in a while, obviously!)
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