Seedy Subjects! > Seed Exchange

SRGC Seed Exchange 2023-2024

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Many thanks to Katharina. Unfortunately I read the post too late and have already distributed some seeds privately. (or not collected). I want to see if I can still get a little together and then send it to her. Next year I'll be smarter ;-)

Yes, many thanks to Katharina and all the volunteers of SRGC for their efforts to keep the international exchange going!

I set an early deadline for US & Canadian donations not wanting to be buried under a mountain of last minute typing.  I am caught up with the paperwork; so I am extending the deadline to 10/20.
If you want to donate; but, the early deadline was holding you back, feel free to send your lists until 10/20.
Clean seed must arrive by 10/30 for an 11/02 inspection  [seed with debris should arrive by 10/15 to allow time for processing]

Unfortunately I've come very late to this page, so only now learned that a phytosanitary cert is needed this year for seed donations from EU countries.

The Irish authority issuing certs (Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine) requires 14 days notice.  Realistically therefore it's too late for me to act as a collection point for donations from other EU countries not covered by Katharina.

Is any other EU forumist able to do this?  If so then I'll send you my seeds early next week, but otherwise can't donate this year :'( 

Hi Ashley

We've had no other volunteers, I'm afraid.  if it's simple for you to do so, it would be good to know how much the Irish authorities would charge for a phyto.  Also, remember that the seed can arrive after 31.10 if we have a list from you of what is being sent, if that frees  matters up a little.

All very frustrating we know, but there's nothing we can do about the new regs in the UK.


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