Bulbs > Ian Young's Bulb Log - Feedback Forum
Ian Y:
Well I have finally got around to posting some of my pictures I took on my wonderful trip to New Zealand.
My First trip was in the company of David Lyttle, Dave Toole and John Fitzgerald when we climbed Mount Burns.
My first Celmisia was C. semi cordata and it came in many striking leaf variations, unfortunately I just missed out on most of the flowers which were over.
I was shown several hybrid forms of Celmisia some were very good looking plants that I would love to have in my garden.
Helichrysum bellidioides is another plant that I am familiar with as we grow it but this is the first one I saw in it's home land.
I have also grown Raoulia grandiflora in the past and I would like to get it back again after seeing so much of it growing on my trips around NZ.
I had great fun with my companions and when we were not looking at the flowers going AHHH we were nearly always laughing or occasionaly gasping for breath as we headed up to the summit.
More will follow in the next days and weeks.
Anthony Darby:
More please. 8) That Raoulia grandiflora is fantastic. Is it in cultivation in Scotia?
Beautiful pictures Ian!
Despite most of all these NZ plant I'll never be able to grow in our soil,
I'm happy you show them here!
Show us as much as you like!
Lesley Cox:
Knees up Mother Brown competition?
The R. grandiflora is the best I've ever seen. Usually it is more spreadout and dead-looking in between the rosettes. Yours is a fine specimen Ian. I'm looking forward to many more on this thread. Oh yes, two puffins flew in yesterday. So welcome, many thanks.
Maggi Young:
Your countrymen seem very keen to get their knees out, Lesley....my neice had shorts on too, in her photo... must be a local habit.......very few daft enough to get their legs out in the open in Aberdeen..... frostbite and such, you know. :-\
Glad the puffins have flown in... hope you had laid in some sand eeels for them, they must be ravenous ;)
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