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Bulb log 50 cyclamen


Joakim B:

Dear Ian/Maggie
On the picture of muscari macrocarpum was a cyclamen with nice foliage.
It had small flowers or at least it lookeed small compared with the foliage.

PS Does that cyclamen need to be in an alpine house or what cold can it take?

Kind regards

Ian Y:
Hi Joakim
It is Cyclamen africanum;  a seedling from Sandy Leven's multi Forrest medal winning plant that originated from Jim Archibald. ( see the forrest medal section on the home page of the SRGC web site.)
I am not 100% sure that it is true africanum, it could have some hederifolium in it.
It has very large well marked leaves and grows happily in an unheated glasshouse, the flowers are quite large but are dwarfed by the size of the leaves.
I have another plant at the base of a south facing wall which has been out for about three years now.
I have been told that if it was africanum it would not survive the cold we get even under glass but I have not told the plants that.

Joakim B:
Hi Ian
Thanks for the info.
I hope to get some more tender plants to Portugal even if the normal persicum grows well here, but different ones that would not survive the south of Sweden with lows of -10C with extrems down to -20C and that can be without snow!
Yes Ian some things are better kept secret  ;)

I have read about the plant in the bulblog and/or the medal section but did not realize it was that plant :-[. That is how well I know cyclamen.

kind regards



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