OK, from "Bulbs" by John E Bryan (Revised Edition, 2002) - with minor changes to remove abbreviations etc, hopefully no spelling mistakes from me in it as I'm typing.

Z. grandiflora. FAIRY LILY. Mexico and Guatemala, in damp woodland and naturalized in many warm countries, including South Africa; introduced 1824. Stems to 12 inc., reddish at base. Leaves usually 3, narrow, strap-shaped, upright to 12 inches long and 1/4 inches wide. Pedicel 1 inch long, as is spathe. Flowers large, clear pink with white throat; perianthe segments to 3 inches long, 1 inch wide; style longer than stamens. Flowering late summer. Very pretty but requires frost-free conditions.
Z. rosea. Guatemala, Cuba and West Indies; instroduced 1823. Stems to 6 inches. Leaves narrow, straplike, produced with flowers, 8 inches long and to 1/4 inches wide. Flowers rose pink with greenish base, about 1 inch in diameter; style longer than stamens. Flowering late summer. Surprisingly hardy considering its origins; with the protection of a warm wall, it tolerates termperatures as low as 25'F.