Seedy Subjects! > Seed Exchange
Seed Identification : photos of named seed varieties.
Maggi Young:
Primula cockburniana
Primula cordifolia
Primula denticulata
Primula egaliksensis
Primula elatior ruprechtii
Maggi Young:
Primula fascicualata
Primula glutinosa
Primula halleri
Primula involucrata
Primula juliae Wanda ( juliana Wanda )
Maggi Young:
Primula marginata
Primula ruprechtii
Primula saxatilis
Primula scandinavica
Primula sinopurpurea
Maggi Young:
Primula spectabilis
Primula stenocalyx
Primula woronowii
Primula yuparensis
Saxifraga dinnikii
Thank you, Elisabeth !!
Maggi Young:
Following another report of supposed Silene seed from the Seed Ex. turning out to be Lychnis seed - this photo and comment from Diane Clement : "The attached picture may help with distinguishing the seed of Silene hookeri (and its ssp) and its imposter Lychnis flos-jovis 'Nana' (and/or 'Peggy')."
Lychnis flos- jovis nana grown by Ian Bainbridge
Silene hookeri ssp hookeri grown by Roma Fiddes
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