Seedy Subjects! > Seed Exchange

New Seed Information Database

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Thanks for reminding everyone about this, I think it will be very useful. I have made a start with one entry tonight. Anyone else?

Does the seed information table update automatically? My entry has not appeared, although I definitely submitted it - at the end of the process there was a "thanks" message.

Maggi Young:
Carolyn, to be honest I'm not sure -  I have not had any time to become properly acquainted with the system. I need Erik to advise - but I'm seeing an entry now  which I assume is from you.

I think there is a time gap before the entry becomes "set" - in order to allow  for you to make any edit  immediately after submitting the info.

While I feel this this a truly great innovation and one which can become a  tremendous resource, it is not one I personally have time to become involved with.


--- Quote from: Maggi Young on March 15, 2016, 11:38:52 AM ---Carolyn, to be honest I'm not sure -  I have not had any time to become properly acquainted with the system. I need Erik to advise - but I'm seeing an entry now  which I assume is from you.

--- End quote ---
I've checked and my entry is still not there. It was for cyclamen hederifolium. I'll email Erik.

My entry is now visible in the spreadsheet. It would be nice to see a few more people contributing their germination experiences as seedlings come through.... it only takes a couple of minutes to do.


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