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Erythronium 2024

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Claire Cockcroft:
Erythronium albidum.  The clump was very large and then almost disappeared last year.  I was happy to see some remained after what likely was a rodent attack.

Claire Cockcroft:
Erythronium americanum.  Contrary to its reputation, this one blooms heavily every year and has been spreading.  Originally from Charlie Kelley.

Herman Mylemans:

--- Quote from: Claire Cockcroft on March 27, 2024, 05:32:53 PM ---Erythronium americanum.  Contrary to its reputation, this one blooms heavily every year and has been spreading.  Originally from Charlie Kelley.

--- End quote ---
Claire, indeed a bad reputation. He hasn't flowered here yet.
Trillium albidum has flowered, but the weather was not good.
Other Erythroniums at the moment in flower:
Erythronium californicum

Herman Mylemans:
Erythronium citrinum

Erythronium multiscapoideum var. cliftonii

Erythronium oregonum

Herman Mylemans:
Erythronium tuolumnense

Erythronium hendersonii


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