Seedy Subjects! > Grow From Seed

Growing Daylilies from Seed

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Thought I would share how I germinate Daylily seeds.

After collecting the seeds from the pods, they are then let to air dry for 4-5 days.  They are then placed into the fridge, (I use small plastic seed packets and label with a pen marker). They seem to germinate better with 2-4 weeks cold chill. They will germinate without a cold chill, but usually only a few seeds germinate, then you need to stick them into the fridge for a week or two and try again.

Using 3% Hydrogen Peroxide, I take the cap off the bottle and fill the cap, then pour the cap of Peroxide into a cup/glass. Filling the cup/glass up with 8-10 oz of water, and drop the seeds in. They usually will float and germinate, some drop to the bottom after 4-5 days. I change out the water and Peroxide solution every couple of days in the cups. The Peroxide helps the seeds germinate and also keep the seeds floating. You need to check your cups every day and remove the seeds that have germinated(I use a spoon).

Not all the seeds germinate at the same time, so I count out how many seeds I have of each cross and make holes into my soil mix. As the seeds germinate I place the root down into each hole with the seed at the surface. After 4-5 or so days they will put up a leaf.

They are growing under a ViparSpectra XS1000 and so far the are looking very healthy, using only 20 watts of the 120.

Years ago, I had invested in Daylilies and was mostly interested in blue eyes.

Some seedlings.

All keepers, assume all tetraploids?

Yes all Tet's

Most happy about this cross, only had one pod take and around 10 seeds.

My blue eyed seedling x Precious Candy

Precious Candy

I'm going to add this to my collection. Think the photo has been doctored, but I'm more interested in the shape and edge. Kinda disappointing when you buy a daylily and it doesn't even come close to what they show when it flowers.....


I have one that is like the above plant already, and that isn't blue either it's purple. I have pictures that I had taken, but would take to long to find on the cd's.

Bluegrass Music


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