Specific Families and Genera > Rhododendron and other Ericaceae

Rhododendron 2015

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--- Quote from: ashley on November 24, 2015, 07:29:17 PM ---Applicable in my case anyway ;) ;D
--- End quote ---

Hee.  One reference says "you are quite correct using rooves if you are 260 years or older....."


Thorkild Godsk:
Is there anyone who will help with the name of this Rhododendron,
may be R. fortunei?
Thorkild. DK.

Hard to tell if it is pure R. fortunei but it certainly appears to be one.  Are the petioles dark red/purple?  Compare it with these.



R. pubescens in the garden today. This and other species, such as R. racemosum, etc., have proven to be fairly drought tolerant. They have survived the drought with basically no damage at all.  :)

I can not say the same for the big leaf Rhododendrons. They have been very heat tolerant for us, however everyone in the garden died this year due to the drought conditions. Some were fairly old and established.  :'(

This R. preptum, in a large container, is looking good. I was able to give it plenty of water. I do have back-up seedlings of some of the other big-leaf species, so I will be giving them another try out in the garden if the drought ends this year.

The deciduous azaleas did well too, despite 4 years of drought.

Rhododendron luteum 'Golden Comet' with a bit of autumn color remaining.

Adam Fischer:
I have two similar rhododendrons (lapponicum) in my garden and I can confirm that they don't like direct midday sun. One is located under cherry tree and is doing fine, but the other one gets more midday sun and it does not thrive at all - it is susceptible to diseases. I have also Azaleas 'Rosy Lights' and it does not mind full sun. So it depends on the species but in general rhododendrons like to grow under trees: rhododendron growing conditions. Rhododednrons under trees don't need so much water either.

Enjoy your plants :)


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