Bulbs > Galanthus
updating snowdrop website
mark smyth:
This will please all those suffering from White Fever.
I'm working fast to update the photo page of my web site www.snowdropinfo.com. I have 198 photos to link to this page http://www.snowdropinfo.com/gallery2007.htm so dont try just yet.
Good news Mark. Looking forward to seeing the new pics. Trym x Wendys Gold sounds interesting - one of your own crosses?
(I, for one, definately feel the need for more good quality snowdrop photographs to be available - work faster!.... ¡Ándale! ¡Ándale! ;D Please.)
with best wishes
mark smyth:
John I, and blowing my own trumpet, think I have the best collection of snowdrop photos on the internet. The Trym seedlings are in one garden and in clumps of the second named snowdrops. The Trym x Wendy isnt very exciting in the photograph as the flower was deformed. Hopefully I will get an invite next year where I can take new photos
Brian Ellis:
Mark, you can't work fast enough for some of us! The trouble is we will have to raid the piggy bank and try to source some of those we have not seen before...perhaps I could start selling all my worldly goods on eBay! ;D Good luck with the site I am sure it will be stunning.
mark smyth:
Last night I did the new page as shown above, edited all the photos and made all the pages for each snowdrop. When I said I it's actually the computer and a programme that does the hard work. Over the weekend I'll try and get all the names linked to their photos.
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