Just a few more of the winter flowering Oxalis species flowering at the moment, this time the delightful Oxalis versicolor and Oxalis meisneri.
Hi Bill,
your O. meisneri looks like what I have as O. kaajvoegensis, but my source for it died a few years ago so I have no other info on it (google only links back to my entries on this Forum!) - what can you tell us about yours?
I've posted pics of other oxalis on the "South African Bulbs" Thread.
We have a flower out on Iris reichenbachii - a bit out of season!

And after saying elsewhere that G. peshmenii is the only autumn snowdrop we get to flower, up came a bloom on Galanthus reginae-olgae!

Nearby more dianthus seedlings continue to bloom; this one has an amazing array of spots and looking at it on the screen I get the disconcerting sense of looking at a "Magic Eye" picture!

Crocus pulchellus "Albus" is starting to flower - this was split up in the summer so isn't as prolific as it was last year.

A few more blooms on Crocus cancellatus ssp mazzariacus,

This crocus is in the garden of our friend Cathy Newing in Macedon; she got it as Crocus ochroleucus, planted about 20 and gets a varied number of different sized blooms over a number of weeks,

She also has a great bulb scree where Oxalis perdicaria/lobata and Oxalis purpurea are making a great display,

A native small tree she grows looks like some sort of pinus

till it flowers and it's obviously a Geebung, Persoonia pinifolia,
