General Subjects > Alpines
List of Specialist Nurseries
Maggi Young:
Some time ago David Nicholson prepared a list of specialist nurseries..... the SRGC List of suggested specialist nurseries which you can find here
Updated list - not claiming to be complete:
Nursery list 2024 doc.doc (146 kB - downloaded 1398 times.)
Some other organisation was compiling a similar list. I remember reading it and noting that they did not have Bide-a-Wee Cottage Garden and Nursery so I suggested that one. It cannot have been the SRGC list since our list misses that nursery also (and it's not even too far from Scotland). I think I might have heard about this 'competing' list through Tim Ingram (Copton Ash Garden and Nursery); perhaps he remembers where it is?
Maybe you are thinking of this new organisation Alan?
Maggi Young:
The SRGC list was compiled some time ago from nurseries which have been mentioned favourably in the forum or who support and advertise in the SRGC Journal. The more recent project referred to (which the SRGC was submitted to, by the way and was gratefully received by the organisers) is intended to highlight all specialist nurseries, rather than those particularly allied to rock garden and alpine plants, as the SRGC list tends to be. :)
There are also the links pages of the SRGC - reached from the menu at the top of each page ...
Thank you, Lisa, that was the website I was thinking of.
Please allow me to give a favourable mention to the nursery I mentioned, Bide-a-Wee Cottage Garden and Nursery. It's a fantastic garden and the nursery, although only small, contains a selection of the plants grown in the garden which are difficult to find elsewhere. The garden incorporates a former quarry so it's likely that some of the plants on sale will be appropriate to a rock garden, although I did not pay attention to this aspect of the nursery.
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