Specific Families and Genera > Meconopsis

The Meconopsis Group - new website launched


Margaret Thorne:
The Meconopsis Group’s new website went live this morning, so please take a look at it on https://themeconopsisgroup.org/
As part of the new website, we have created a Meconopsis Species Gallery and if you have photographs we could use, I would be really pleased to receive them at
species-gallery@themeconopsisgroup.org by email (just a few) or by WeTransfer (up to 2 GB).
The gallery is for species only, not cultivars, and we are keen to add more photographs taken in the wild or cultivation. Please enclose information with your photographs as shown for the ones already in the gallery - the species indicated in green lettering. Images need to be at least 1000 pixels in the vertical dimension to fill the page, so best not to resize them to be too small.

Maggi Young:
Great news, Margaret - I've  updated the  Mec Group entry  in our  links  pages.

Margaret Thorne:
Thanks, Maggi
It took us a long time to get the website sorted out and especially difficult over the last few months as we have not been able to meet. But we got there in the end.
Thanks to everyone who has contributed. Now's the time for a lot more folks to do so by sending in photos of Meconopsis species!

Margaret Thorne:
You may not see your photos appearing immediately because I am trying to phase adding them to the Meconopsis Species Gallery, starting with Meconopsis baileyi, M. gakyidiana and M. grandis. These three species are the main ones from which the big blue perennial poppies we grow in our gardens arose, by selection and hybridisation. They all have the ‘false whorl’ of bracts above which are peduncles with flowers on top. I don’t know why it’s a ‘false’ whorl, as I have never found any explanation of this term, even in Christopher Grey-Wilson’s authoritative work ‘The Genus Meconopsis – Blue poppies and their relatives’ published in 2014. Does anyone know?
Photos of any other species will be filed away and used when I have enough to do the appropriate pages, so please do not hesitate to send them in. New photos or older ones are equally acceptable; you can either rush out into the garden to take some now or sort out ones from previous years.

Maggi Young:
You Tube Channel  for Meconopsis Group :

First video is by Helen Knowles  on how to divde Mec. 'Barney's Blue'


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