Specific Families and Genera > Hepatica

Hepatica from seed

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In most cases, yes. But not with this seedlings.

Carsten, what do you feed your seedlings with, and how often? I wish my hepatica seedlings had such strong roots! Are they so healthy because of the good drainage/ gritty compost?

Carolyn, I feed with a 20-20-20 Peter's professional, highly diluted to 0,6-0,8% and try to do this as often as possible. As the mix in the seed pots is of pure mineral grit with a cover of composted pine needles you need to feed regularly. I guess any other balanced fertilizer will work, too. The mix is airy, holds some moisture und is free draining. This must be a great advantage for the roots in my view. But, there are many other ways to grow healthy seedlings ;-)
As a disadvantage, you must pay attention that this mix never drys out.

Your pictures show how well your system works for you! I am amazed how fast the seedlings have grown, it must be your feeding and the well draining soil which allows the roots to grow so well.
Thank you for showing how you do it. :)

Thanks, Carsten, I will try your method this year!


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