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Maggi Young:
Not all the news  from Wisley is good :

Disturbing news of a theft from the alpine house at Wisley this weekend :
"Sad news of plant theft from Wisley - 3 special plants stolen from our Alpine Display this weekend."

Maggi Young:
Another  Twitter comment :

--- Quote ---Christine Walkden ‏@ChristineWalkd
@RHSWisley This is so sad. You grow super plants for all to enjoy and then this occurs. Keep eyes open at AGS and SRGC shows, you never know
--- End quote ---

An absolutely shocking comment and one that I would not agree with at all  and I am surprised that  CW would even suggest it.  More than a little offensive to my mind -  - the exhibitors at the AGS and SRGC shows  would  never countenance such vile behaviour as stealing.

I would bet that such thefts are either entirely random or else perpetrated by crazed  "collectors" ( I use the term  loosely) for their own personal warped purposes, to gloat over.

Libellous I'd say!

Maggi Young:
I have had a reply from Christine Walkden,  who clarified her meaning :

"Thanks for the email. I am sorry if I caused offence, as that is not what I intended to do.

I intended it as a warning to those of us who care about the loss of plants in this way.

 I was really meaning that I have had experience at shows  where the exchange of dubious material  takes place in the cars parks at such events as AGS shows  and have often wondered how these often difficult and rare plants are passed around. This activity is never a honest person and certainly would not be a member of the AGS etc but people who come to such shows thinking that they can get a quick sale from people that do not know any better.  This is not just plant show, it occurs in the world of small pets as well.

You may have seen the recent emails about the theft of Olive trees and indeed the water lily from Kew having been taken.  It is known in the industry that this type of material often shows up in places where plant enthusiast gather.

Having been a life  member  of the AGS, SRGC,  ARGC,  etc etc for over 40 years I am very aware of the credibility and integrity of the vast majority of the people attending these venues, but I am also aware of a small amount  activity that all members would find difficult to tolerate. 

Please be re assured that I had no intention at all of being offensive. I am very sorry if that is how it came across, and value your time in letting me know that it was read and taken in that light. My comment was one meant to warn. I think the problem with twitter etc is that things can be mis understood and I promise you that I had no intention of being rude or offensive to any respectable member of any plant group let alone the AGS, SRGC etc.

Thanks for pointing out my poor wording.

Yours faithfully

 Christine  has also  posted this on Twitter : "Sorry if previous tweet upset AGS etc it was not meant to , but sent as a warning about plant theft. AGS etc are strong supporters of RHS"

Very nice to have this clarification by CW of  her "tweet" - for which I am sure we are all grateful.

If anyone is offered plants that may be suspicious, or becomes aware of anyone suddenly being in possession of unexpected pots of rare plants -  please phone the police. 
 We HAVE to get the point across without doubt that theft is entirely unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
These thefts tarnish  more than reputations - they inflict damage to our hobby from all aspects.

Maggi Young:
Quite a few trees lost at Wisley  in the recent storm : 5 Eucalyptus, 1 large Scots pine, 1 large Abies plus Sorbus hedlundii down on Battleston Hill.

Colin Crosbie wisely regarding this less as a  sad loss,  more as a planting opportunity. Tough love!


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