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Seeking seed of Dianthus caryophyllus wild forms
I am seeking seeds of wild forms of Dianthus caryophyllus. Although nomenclature of this genus is complex and the ancestry of the garden carnation is something of a 'grey area', my reading suggests that there are wild populations described as D. caqryophyllus in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco, in Gibraltar, and possibly neighbouring regions. I live in the UK and will be happy to pay postage. I'm willing to wait until seed harvest if anyone grows plants of wild forms this species and will have seed to spare.
What is the true wild Dianthus caryophyllus is a very compicated topic. I can't find any recent scientific paper on this subject. Dianthus caryophyllus has been cultivated for such a long time and there is so much confusion with all the species, subspecies, varieties, synonyms and so on of all the populations of this group. A month ago, I wars reading the papers of Domina about Dianthus virgineus. At first glance, it clarify a lot of things, at the second lecture, I've even more confused than before.
Back to caryophyllus : as a carnation was already cultivated at greek ages, you can read that it originates from Greece or Middle East. I have no opinion about that. In France (, some wild forms are reported to grow on some castles, old walls... I've never seen it and I'm also looking for a wild form of this species. If someone grow it, I would also appreciate a very few seeds.
Hans J:
Hi all ,
I have found by my trip 2007 on the island of Karpathos this Dianthus in the wild :
Best wishes
Hi Hans,
This one looks like Dianthus fruticosus, but it's really hard to identify Dianthus withpicture. Usually several pictures are needed, at least plant, leaves, calice and petals
Hans J:
Hi Yvain ,
many thanks :)
Now it seems this puzzle is also solved - thats great !!!
All the best
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