Cultivation > Cultivation Problems
Dianella tasmanica
Although I am very fond of this plant for its numerous bright blue berries at this time of the year; it is a bit of a thug once it starts spreading by its far reaching runners. They come up some way from the main clump; often amongst something else. In my case usually the larger irises. I aim to move it this autumn but wonder what its behaviour is going to be on a slope of ~1 in 4. Will it go all ways, up, down and sideways of will the slope confuse it? Will it have a preference for any particular direction on a slope? The slope faces west. Heavy stoney chalky soil.
I confine mine in a cylinder of 1" x8' chicken wire. The wire is soon completely covered, so it is not unsightly.
Maggi Young:
To let folk see the plant in question .... from elsewhere in the forum, by John W in Canada
-worth noting perhaps that some people regard this as a weed ??? :-[
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