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Seed Exchange / Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2024-2025
« Last post by ian mcdonald on January 20, 2025, 11:21:07 AM »
My seeds have arrived. Thanks for the hard work by the seed team.
Seeds Wanted / Re: seed shipments
« Last post by Jeffnz on January 19, 2025, 08:12:47 PM »
New Zealand does not require a phyto cert for seed imports, as long as the seed species is on the approved import list.
Seeds Wanted / Re: seed shipments
« Last post by Vinny 123 on January 19, 2025, 08:59:11 AM »
The EU is a free trade area - so you can send anything, anywhere within the EU.
For the moment, seeds can be sent to the UK - they keep postponing the laws.

Most of the rest of the world require phyto-sanitary certificates, although some countries do not, and small quantities of seed may easily go through postal systems, undetected.

L'UE è un'area di libero scambio, quindi puoi inviare qualsiasi cosa, ovunque all'interno dell'UE.
Per il momento, i semi possono essere inviati nel Regno Unito, ma continuano a rinviare le leggi.

La maggior parte del resto del mondo richiede certificati fitosanitari, anche se alcuni paesi non li richiedono, e piccole quantità di semi possono facilmente passare attraverso i sistemi postali, senza essere rilevate.
Seeds Wanted / Re: Do you know how hellebores are pollinated?
« Last post by Jeffnz on January 19, 2025, 07:00:08 AM »
There are many hits on google on hand pollination of hellebores.

In my experience bees can deliver as good an outcome as hand pollination. Hellebore flowers are receptive to pollen soon after the flower begins to open, to discourage bees the flowers and self pollination can be emasculated. Pollen y transfer is best at the warmest time of the day, and I have made 2-3 pollen transfers to the flower. The pollinated flower can then be covered with a  muslin bag and if successful the ovaries will begin to swell. Parental selection is the key to achieving what you are aiming for with a cross. Spots tend to be a dominate gene when using spotted flowers.
If you are looking for double forms then HP of 2 double forms is the only guaranteed way to get doubles. Crossing an anemone form with a double will usually give a high % of double forms. HPing of 2 anemone forms will give doubles along with anemone and singles.
When hand pollinating it is about beating nature to the task.
Bulbs General / Re: Erythronium 2024
« Last post by Tomte on January 18, 2025, 08:57:57 PM »
Herman, E. japonicum is one of the most susceptible to slugs.

Seems to be particularly yummy.. and I planted it in the ground when I got it in 2023. I really should have dug it up last summer, but somehow never managed to. Hope it will survive the next onslaught. So far the winter here was again far too mild, and last year was already very sluggish  :-\
Seed Exchange / Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2024-2025
« Last post by Margaret Thorne on January 18, 2025, 08:03:46 PM »
Many thanks for the seeds sent to us for the Scottish Borders Rock Garden Group. They arrived this morning and will be greatly appreciated by our members at the next meeting. Congratulations to those involved in picking, packing and posting the seed so efficiently and to everyone who contributed to making this another highly successful seed exchange.
General Forum / Re: Ian and Maggi Young honoured by RHS
« Last post by Maggi Young on January 18, 2025, 07:35:44 PM »
Aww, thank you friends! Ian and I are honoured to receive this award and  most thankful for all your congratulations.  :D
Galanthus / Re: Galanthus April 2024
« Last post by Leena on January 18, 2025, 05:42:14 PM »
I never saw ´Wol Staines´ with spread outers showing the inners. I wonder whether this is due to the later flowering with You.

Thank you Mariette.

I checked and that picture of 'Wol Staines' was taken April 27, a sunny day with +13C.
I agree that also here it has usually more closed flower.
This picture of it was taken April 10, in the beginning of flowering.

Galanthus / Re: Galanthus April 2024
« Last post by Mariette on January 18, 2025, 05:11:53 PM »
Beautiful sceneries, Leena! Your snowdrop garden looks so much more attractive with all these colourful companions! I never saw ´Wol Staines´ with spread outers showing the inners. I wonder whether this is due to the later flowering with You.
Bulbs General / Re: Erythronium 2024
« Last post by Mariette on January 18, 2025, 05:01:57 PM »
Leena, I wish I could grow erythroniums as successful as You, not to speak of the fairyland pictures from Ian and Maggi´s garden!

Herman, E. japonicum is one of the most susceptible to slugs.
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