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Author Topic: Arisaema ciliatum /consangineum  (Read 341 times)

Véronique Macrelle

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Arisaema ciliatum /consangineum
« on: August 29, 2024, 07:36:52 AM »
I had bought 2 small tubers of A. nepenthoides, but soon after cultivation I began to have doubts about the species.
 first they made a few runners, then when they flowered, it looked very much like my Arisaema ciliatum luibaense, although the plant grew taller.

so i have a choice between ciliatum and a small consanguneumm, i guess...
 I have some questions about A. consanguineum:

-does it make runners to produce bulbils like ciliatum?
- do all A. consanguineum have leaflets that end in threads?

I dream of a beautiful Arisaema with long threads at the end of the leaflets, are there other species that do this?



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