Bulbs > Crocus

News from the Crocus Group

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Lesley Cox:
Yes thanks, I did get the tommies, 2 packets of mixed forms, so something nice will eventually eventuate :) I see they haven't changed to the correct spelling on the Bio Index though, so anyone else ordering it any time will have to go through the same process. Did I say something about thick-headed?

Arthur, we don't want to add extra work for the seed distributors, so I at least, will include a list of everything I order and subs, and if this can be included with the seed itself, that would solve the problem. It was just that this first time I hadn't thought about there only being numbers on the packets. I photocopied my seedlist and sent it to MAF when the seeds came, it was just that C. tommasinianus was wrongly spelt on the Biosecurity Index.


The seed distributor has just retired - it will give hime something to do  ;D ;) ;D

I'll probably have a senior moment and forget all about it by next September.


--- Quote from: art600 on November 20, 2008, 09:15:29 PM ---Lesley

The seed distributor has just retired - it will give hime something to do  ;D ;) ;D

I'll probably have a senior moment and forget all about it by next September.

--- End quote ---
I'm hoping that you don't know something I don't Art.  I'll take it that David has given up the day job .... and hope he will continue with the seed distribution for a long time yet.  (At least until he has finished the book he ought to be writing :D)

You have nothing to worry about  ;)

Anthony Darby:
I'm still trying to get my head round envelopes of cyclamen seeds with an asterix on them. ;)


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