Specific Families and Genera > Primula

Primula 2023

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Primula palinuri is a winter growing species from Southern Italy, growing
by the sea but really fully hardy in my conditions.
P. Joan Hughes and P. Rhenania are old cultivars but still vey rewarding
and free flowering


Primula palinuri  is new to me. Thanks for calling it to my attention. Do you know where I can get seed?

Primula palinuri is probably not so attractive to most of the Primula growers. I don't know
any profesional seed growers who offer seeds of it. My plant is a gift of a late gardening
friend and I never tried to grow plants from seed.

A friend of mine has them and I will try to get seeds. Since they seem to be quite hardy.
I got from Gabriela seeds of two quite small precious Primula.
The first small set is just on the way to flower.
Primula frondosa already opening.

Even much smaller is Primula mistassinica. Thank you Gabrielea


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