After thirty-two years work at RBGE - building a lasting legacy in the Alpine Dept., Elspeth Mackintosh has retired from her post. These photos were shown by David Knott, Curator of Living Collections at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, on Twitter to mark the event.
Elspeth has been an active member of SRGC too, of course, and is well known to all those who have enjoyed her spectacularly planned displays from RBGE at SRGC and AGS shows. Showing these happy snaps from Elspeth's retirement "bash", David Knott wrote : Happy retirement Elspeth Mackintosh after 32 years nurturing @TheBotanics #Alpine plants. #rbgehort #alpineplants #lastinglegacy "

Elspeth was one of Alf Evans' RBGE Angels - and we wish her great happiness in a long retirement!