The RHS Joint Rock Committee met at the recent AGS show, held at RHS Hyde Hall.
RHS Joint Rock Committee presented its first annual award for the advancement of knowledge in the Science, Breeding, and Cultivation of alpine plants. This is called the Jim Archibald Award and was handed to Tim Lever at the Hyde Hall AGS Show last Saturday.
As can be seen from our committment to the #ArchibaldArchive on we're right behind this great new award from @RHSJointRock to commemorate Jim Archibald - many congrats to Tim Lever !
Also on Saturday, the rare Italian endemic
Saxifraga berica, grown by Mark Childerhouse was awarded a Botanical Certificate by the Joint Rock Committee and a Certificate of Merit by the AGS.
Tim Lever - receiving the Jim Archibald Award from Joint Rock's David Haselgrove.

Rachel Lever with Tim and JA Award

The rare Italian endemic Saxifraga berica, grown by Mark Childerhouse was awarded a Botanical Certificate by the Joint Rock Committee and a Certificate of Merit by the AGS.
Saxifraga berica, grown by Mark Childerhouse