Bulbs > Bulbs General

Colchicums Feb 07

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Diane Clement:
My bulbhouse seems to be dominated by colchicums at the moment.  Here's some:
Colchicum hungaricum
Colchicum hungaricum Velebit Star (not a lot of difference here)

Diane Clement:
And some more
Colchicum trigynum white form
Colchicum triphyllum in an unusual lilac form

Diane Clement:
And the stars of the genus
Colchicum keselringii
Colchicum szovitsii white form
Colchicum szovitsii pale pink rather robust form

mark smyth:
thanks for the photos, Diane. My winter flowering Colchicums are long past. Merenderas are now looking good

Maggi Young:
Love 'em all, Diane. Beautiful potfuls, as we would expect from you. I think that not enough people grow Colchicum, they're great .. especially the smaller ones, so dainty but with substance.


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