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Author Topic: School Galanthus Genomics Project  (Read 684 times)

David Leader

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School Galanthus Genomics Project
« on: April 08, 2024, 04:54:33 PM »
Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone would be able to send me a few leaves of any "interesting" Galanthus species.  Some of my pupils at Morgan Academy have been working on a project to sequence the DNA of chloroplasts from Galanthus and Narcissus as part of a project funded by the royal society.  I appreciate that many Galanthus will have finished flowering but now is a great time to get green leaf material as some should still be growing quite vigorously.  We already have DNA extracted from a couple of different species (G. elwesii, and G. nivalis) but would like to add as many different species as possible to form a good phylogeny of the genus. We don't need much just maybe 3-6 good leaves to extract chloroplasts and DNA from. If you could also supply the species name and where possible a good photograph that would be great.  We are particularly interested to get material from the species listed below but grateful for any suggestions.  Many thanks

Dr David J. Leader
Morgan Academy

G. ikariae
G. woronowii
G. reginae-olgae
G. peshmenii
G. gracilis
G. allenii
G. rizehensis
G. lagodechianus
G. nivalis
G. plicatus
G. elwesii


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