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Tree from a greek island

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Hans J:
Hi all ,

Last year in same time we visit greek islands - near of our appartment on sealevel grows this beautyful trees .
I'm not shure with the name but I have a idea - maybe anyone knows this trees .
I'm glad for a ID to confirm my idea - thank you in advance .
On the ground I found a lot of seeds and so I have collect some and I have sown it - now before few days have start they with germination .
Here comes some pics :


Maggi Young:
I feel sure I have seen this tree, but I cannot name it! Might it be some kind of wild fig?

Hans J:
Maggi ,

I suppose it is Styrax maybe officinalis -but I'm not 100% shure .
We call this tree "Snowdroptree" -so as a old snowdropfriend I must have it .
Wild fig looks like other fig -I grow it in my garden and we have every year a lot of fig wife makes always a wonderful jam -sometimes with nuts -sometime with ginger .....mhhhhhhh :-*


Maggi Young:
A Styrax? Yes, it could be... the flowers were fragrant, you said. The leaves are correct, I think. The other thing I thought it looked like was a Halesia, but I didn't think a Halesia would have found its way to a greek island, though you never know! Similar flower type, though, even if from the wrong part of the world, but Styrax officionalis comes from the right place, around the mediterranean, so that is a sensible choice!

Hans J:
Yes Maggi I know Halesia - and as you said they are not from there .
I would like to have a Halesia but I fear I can give not this plants a good place -so far I know they like acid soil and warmer temperatures .
I saw also Styrax in Turkey and on Cyprus !
Now I'm happy with my few seedlings !


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