Specific Families and Genera > Cacti and Succulents

Suggested books for Sempervivum ID ?


Maggi Young:
 We've  had  a  question about  a  book to help out  with Sempervivum identification - can forumists  make  any  suggestions  for  this?

There  is  this  book   https://www.schweizerbart.de/publications/detail/isbn/9783443500368/Praeger_An_Account_of_the_Sempervivum_G

 But  I don't  know  it  so  no idea  how  useful it  would be  for  the  questioner.

The National Collection for Sempervivum is held by Mr Wills, Fernwood Nursery (http://www.fernwood-nursery.co.uk/ ) He also holds a scientific collection and produced a useful illustrated book on Sempervivum and Jovibarba species and cultivars  (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Introduction-Sempervivum-Jovibarba-Species-Cultivars/dp/0954753305 ) . I had a copy of the publication but sadly can no longer locate it. You may be able to get it second hand via ABE Books or Keithsbooks or direct from Fernwood Nursery.

Ray Stephenson is the national collection holder for Jovibarba cultivars bred by Cornelius Versteeg (2 spp 185 taxa). Ray can be contacted via www.cactus-mall.com/sedum/

Hope that helps.


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