General Subjects > Blogs and Diaries

my local patch and wildlife - Ian McDonald

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ian mcdonald:
Scottish primrose, Primula scotica img 0689. Rannoch rush, Scheuchzeria palustris, img 0617. Dotterel, img 0051.  Gold ringed dragonfly, Cordulegaster boltonii img 0016. 

ian mcdonald:
Wheatear, img 0831. Dipper, img 1164. Sea eagle img 1106, sorry about poor image. Woodlark, img 041.

ian mcdonald:
I went bird watching one day and there was a sea fret. I heard a sound like steam escaping from a pipe. The sound got louder and then these appeared. There were four altogether, killer whales, img 00058. Red deer eating bracken, img 00030. Arctic skua, img 00072. Nicrophorus vespilloides, a burying beetle and passengers, img 00019.

ian mcdonald:
Osprey and heron join salmon war img 00081. Black throated diver family exercise img 00010. Kingfisher and lunch img 0142. Red necked grebe seeks mate img 0453.

ian mcdonald:
Yellowhammer "giving it laldy" img 00057. Reed warbler keeping quiet img 003. Whoopers lift off img 2725. aaaaah img 1965.


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